Name | From | Title of the Presentation | |
1st Prize | Aleksandar Donev | "Gymnasium Koco Racin" Veles, Macedonia |
Viscosity of Flexible Chain Polymers |
Erik P. A. Couzijn | The Netherlands | F A S T -- Full-range Automatic Slip-resistant Transmission | |
2nd Prize | Imre Bálint | Ságvári Endre Teacher Training Grammar School
of the József Attila University Szeged, Hungary |
The Hydraulic Jump Phenomenon |
István Kispál | Széchenyi István Gimnázium Dunaújváros, Hungary |
From the Inclined Throwing to the Chaotical Pendulum | |
3rd Prize | Dmitry Mironov | Minsk, Belarus | The Granulation of Drops in an Air Stream |
Edina Baur | Rózsa Ferenc Gimnázium Békéscsaba, Hungary |
Caustics | |
Andrey Tolochko | Minsk, Belarus | Peculiarities of Crystal Aggregates Formation | |
Special Prize | Alexander T. Kldiashvili (For the construction of a simple device for measuring the Earth's magnetic field) |
Advanced Education & Science Center Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow, Russia |
About the Effect of the Earth's Magnetic Field upon Flexible Conductor with Current |
Dimitar Cungovski Marjan Ristevski Todor Petrovski (For the construction of an apparatus suitable for the demonstration of the complex effects of air stream) |
Electrotechnical Center Bitola, Macedonia |
Wind Tunnel |
Name | From |